I have a passion for photography and I have a passion for creativity.
When the two meet together, special projects are created thanks to which I deal with Reality.
Corona Art
Like everyone else, we too found ourselves suddenly locked up in our home - between quarantines and isolations.
My longing for photography did not stop bothering me, until I decided to do daily projects -
self-photography and family photography.
I was a fat girl.
So I had to handle with everything that fat kids go through - mockery, difficulty finding clothes, loneliness when everyone around me started to split into pairs ...
I started researching anorexia and decided it would be my contract with the devil - I get the thinness, along with the price of the disease.
I did not know, or did not want to know, what shaky journey I was embarking on.
A war in which there are no survivors.
One version of Jewish mythology says there is a reason why the story of Adams creation appears twice in the book of Genesis.
For the first time it wasnt Eve who was created for man but Lilith.
She, who did not want to be the "helper against him" was expelled from heaven, and in folklore is portraited as an example of the indecent woman, the demon that harms men and children.
Over the years, various amulets have been created to protect from her, including, the red thread.
While originally the story of Daedalus and Icarus is an allegory for not taking risks, for me it is a story of loss.
A plot depicting our lack of control as parents.
And yet, with all the pain and fear, there is no choice but to release them, let them spread their wings and fly.
And I? I can only hope that they land safely.
Society taught my boys at a young age that pink is only for girls, boys do not wear dresses, what is the "right" body structure, and the desired amount of hair.
So many standards we consider as "normal".
But is it?
נקמות האלים
כולנו גדלנו על סיפורי המיתולוגיה.
אלים מפונקים, הרקולס רב מעללים ונשים מפלצות - שמאחוריהן סודות על מעמד האשה, פגיעה ונקמות.